About Me

A dream began to awaken when I was young. A love for reading classics from authors such as Charles Dickens and Laura Ingalls Wilder, and the introduction to epic movies like Lord of the Rings, conspired within my mind to conceive the notion of writing my own story.

For a time, high school, graduation, work, and falling in love all rushed in to push the dream aside. Then one day, my best friend brought me to Arizona. The sweet romance of new marriage and the allure of the breathtaking desert shook me from a slumber to realize I could create an enduring record of this enchanting beauty – I could write.

I am passionate about penning stories of the desert and the history of this great state. I also love to incorporate my travels. The more I read and the more I dedicate time to this beloved art of writing, the more I hope to improve and strengthen my work, until it is ready to be published.

J.R. Brierley